These Voile Straps are made of tough stretch polyurethane, with a UV-resistant additive to increase their lifespan.
Their heat-treated aluminium buckle features a slim profile for packing efficiency and extra durability
Skiing, Hiking, Biking and everything in between.
Numerous options for USE:
1) Attachment. Whether you’re attaching skis to ski racks or sleeping bags to frame packs, these straps are quick to lock down, strong, and highly adjustable. You can really reef on them for a super-tight bond, yet release them instantly when you’re ready to dissolve that bond.
2) Repair. Say the sole of your running shoe (or your boot) is flapping its mouth at you. No sweat, loop a strap around both the sole and the toe box of the boot. Now cinch it tight. There will be no more flapping. Once home, glue will fix the problem properly.
3) Splinting objects. Occasionally it happens: Your ski pole snaps or your paddle cracks. For a makeshift repair, cut a strong stick that will bridge the break and anchor the splint in place with one or two Voile’ straps on either side of the break.
4) Splinting body parts. Encircle the damaged limb with an Ensolite pad and secure the Ensolite in place with several Voile’ straps.
5) Ski grip. Backcountry skiers often use a Voile’ strap to pull the tips of skis carried on a pack into an A-frame configuration. When the skis come off your pack, wrap the freed-up strap around the throat of your pole about 15 inches below the pole’s handle. This forms a second grip on the pole when you want to choke up on its shaft (e.g., when you’re traversing a steep side hill).
6) First-Aid Assist. Hold gauze, bandages, or clothing around a gaping wound with Monsieur Strap – no tape needed. If the wound is a real gusher, you can also apply a lot of pressure through the strap as well.
7) Gaiters. Occasionally uphill hikes can land you in snow country without gaiters. Keep snow out of your boots by pulling the cuffs of your pants over the uppers of your boots and holding the cuffs in places with a Voile’ strap.
8) Skin Repair. Every backcountry skier has had it happen – his glue-on skins have lost their stick and will no longer adhere to ski bases. Duct tape is usually wrapped around ski and skin for this emergency, but a few Voile’ straps will secure the skin much faster and more securely.
9) Hanger. When camping you often need a way to hang a light inside a tent or suspend a water jug to a tree limb. The strap makes this easy.
10) Gifts. Every now and then you need a simple, inexpensive gift